КГБ проект Скопје 2014

12.02.2010 14:30

Видео пост за Скопје 2014. Нема сценарио. Тука сè се одвиваше онака како што е претскажано од тројцата творци, визионери, апостоли на модерното време, во кое урбаниот хаос си го наоѓа своето место…

Извор: www.ribaro.mk

Danas je 14 Septembar 20014 godine gledate vjesti



mage recognition CAPTCHAs

mage recognition CAPTCHAs nbrc test face many potential problems which have not been fully studied. It is difficult for a small site to pcat test acquire a large dictionary of images which an attacker does not have access to and without a means of automatically acquiring new labelled images, an image based challenge does not meet the definition of a CAPTCHA. KittenAuth, by default, only had 42 images in its database.[28] clep test Microsoft's "Asirra," which it is providing as a free web service, attempts to address this by means of Microsoft Research's partnership with Petfinder.com, which has provided it with more than three million images of cats and dogs, classified by people at thousands of US animal shelters.[30] Unfortunately for Microsoft, researchers compass exam laim to have written a program that can break the Microsoft Asirra CAPTCHA.[31]

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